Have an amazing piece of art that you love, but no idea what to do with it? Ever wonder what that piece will look like in different frames, with different framing methods? Of course you do! It's definitely all we here at Simply Framed think about. We know what frames look and work best with which pieces, and what framing method will best compliment the art. BUT who doesn't love a great visual aid? We used Paul Wackers' visually stunning "Situation at Hand" from theposters.co in our most popular frame, the gallery frame, in a variety of finishes to demonstrate just what the same piece will look like custom framed in different ways.
Framing method from left to right: Framed to the Edge (or Full-Bleed), Floating, Matting
Custom Frame Style: White Gallery Frame
Custom Frame Style: Natural Wood Gallery Frame

Custom Frame Style: Liight Walnut Gallery Frame

Custom Frame Style: Dark Walnut Gallery Frame

Custom Frame Style: Black Gallery Frame
Floating: This is the most in-depth of the methods. It involves a hidden foam core lift and a spacer between the plexiglass and your art. The result leaves a slight shadow beneath the piece, creating the illusion that your art is "floating".
Matting: This method you are probably familiar with and is great for smaller pieces that deserve to take up more space. Think of it like putting on heels or lifts in your shoes. They make you taller and you command more attention. The mat is your art's stilettos.
Framing to the Edge (or Full-Bleed): This one is straightforward in meaning and framing. We place a frame directly around your art with no fancy modifications. Thus the piece "bleeds" right under the frame.
For even more in depth information on our process and whether floating, matting, or full-bleed is best, check out our Framing 101 blog post. We even suggest what pieces work the best with each method. Still want more? Contact us at hello@simplyframed.com with any custom framing questions.